Jeet Kune Do & Filipino Kali under Guro Dan Inosanto
Muay Thai Kickboxing under Ajarn Chai Sirisute
Gracie Survival Tactics under Rener and Ryron Gracie
Combatives and Gracie Jiu Jitsu under Frank Cucci
Boxing under Spencer "The Omen" Oliver
UK Armed Forces Combatives Instructor
HM Government Officer Safety Trainer
MICHAEL WRIGHT has been training in the martial arts for over thirty years and teaching for the last twenty. He served for eight years within UKSF, where he taught his system across the group and beyond. He then became an Operational Officer with a HM Government unit, putting his skills to the test on the frontline of law enforcement.
Michael spent over a decade working in Close Protection, for high-profile clients across the world. His bespoke training programs have been utilised by elite Military units, specialist Police teams and Government agencies. Michael is the author of the book “SURVIVE - the Definitive Guide to Unarmed Tactics”.
If you run a martial arts school, you can now integrate a world-class self-protection program into your schedule. Become an Affiliate with Unarmed Tactics and join our list of Certified Instructors
Our system has been taught to a wide range of units including Special Forces, Police, Government, Royalty Protection and Counter Terrorism. Click here to read some of our testimonials and contact our team.

Michael Wright provides his combative expertise to the film industry. He choreographs screen combat and trains stunt performers for major studio productions. CLICK HERE to learn more.

The story of a combative journey, travelling the world to train with the finest martial artists on the planet. Teaching inside UKSF, working for a HM Government unit and a decade spent in Close Protection. Plus, for the first time ever, a breakdown of the unique system of Unarmed Tactics.

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